Project: Empowering Marginalized Communities to Strive for a Quality Life

Organization: Human and Natural Resources Development Foundation (HNRDF)

Donor Organization: Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust (NTT)

Context: Sri Lanka, a beautiful island nation, grapples with complex social challenges, including the marginalization of LGBTIQ and female sex worker (FSW) communities. Facing discrimination and limited access to essential services, these communities struggle to live with dignity and quality of life.

Empowering Change: Recognizing these hardships, HNRDF, with the support of NTT, embarked on a transformative project in the Galle district. Titled “Empowering Marginalized Communities to Strive for a Quality Life,” the project aimed to improve access to justice, rights protection, and socio-economic empowerment for LGBTIQ and FSW individuals.

Building Capacity: At the heart of the project lay the creation of a network of 24 peer leaders from within the target communities. Through comprehensive training workshops, these individuals gained deep knowledge of their fundamental rights, relevant laws, and crucial support mechanisms like the Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). They learned to navigate legal intricacies, access healthcare services, and advocate for their community’s needs.

Forging Connections: Recognizing the importance of broader societal understanding, the project fostered active collaboration. Sensitizing workshops for legal professionals, government officials, and healthcare providers dismantled barriers and fostered inclusive service delivery. A dedicated Lawyer Network was established, offering pro bono legal support to community members facing injustice.

Impactful Interventions: The project’s impact reverberated across the community. Over 80 community issues were identified and addressed, ranging from discriminatory service access to human rights violations. A crucial Drop-in Center and hotline provided safe spaces for information, support, and emergency response. Access to vital hormone replacement therapy for 15 transgender individuals empowered them to continue their transitioning journey during challenging economic times.

Transformational Shifts: Beyond tangible outcomes, the project fostered a climate of empowerment and awareness. Marginalized communities gained the confidence to seek redress mechanisms and fight for their rights. Public officials exhibited increased sensitivity and willingness to collaborate. Police attitudes towards community members shifted positively, with reduced instances of arbitrary arrests.

Looking Ahead: The project’s success paves the way for continued progress. HNRDF, with its deep understanding of local needs and effective intervention strategies, stands poised to replicate this model in other parts of Sri Lanka. By amplifying marginalized voices and building bridges of understanding, HNRDF is building a more inclusive and just society where everyone can thrive.

Report by HNRDF

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