Misunderstandings and prejudices often lead to unfair portrayals of marginalized communities in the media. Recognizing this critical gap, the Human Resource Development Foundation (HNRDF) took a vital step toward positive change by organizing an awareness program for journalists in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Held on December 27, 2023, at the Southern Lanka Media Forum in Galle, the program aimed to sensitize journalists and social media professionals to the challenges faced by the LGBTIQ community and equip them with accurate knowledge regarding gender identity.

The program, graced by Freedom House’s support, welcomed participants with open arms and a desire to foster understanding. The executive director’s warm welcome set the tone for an informative and engaging session. Mr. Thushara’s introductory remarks highlighted the program’s objectives and potential impact in reducing discrimination based on sexual orientation in Sri Lanka.

Mr Nalin Deshapriya, the esteemed resource person, then embarked on a comprehensive journey through the complexities of LGBTIQ experiences. He delved into the historical context of Sri Lanka’s LGBTIQ community, tracing its evolution and the influences of English law and Victorian rationalism. This historical grounding paved the way for a deeper understanding of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The discussion delved into the biological and social aspects of sexual orientation, dispelling myths and misconceptions. It moved on to address the pressing concerns faced by LGBTIQ youth, emphasizing the emotional and physical abuse they often endure at home and school. Real-life examples were analyzed to showcase how media misinterpretations can fuel societal ignorance and discrimination.

The media’s role as a powerful storyteller was not ignored. The program emphasized the need for responsible reporting that portrays the LGBTIQ community with accuracy and sensitivity. Participants were urged to move beyond sensationalized narratives and recognize the humanity and lived experiences of LGBTIQ individuals.

The session concluded with an interactive Q&A session, where participants’ queries received insightful answers. Concerns about the medical nature of being LGBTIQ, and the true nature of transgender identity were addressed with clarity and scientific backing. A closing remark from a media representative highlighted the program’s success in dispelling ignorance and equipping them with crucial knowledge to become agents of positive change.

Reported BY JKC Jayakody On behalf of the HNRDF Team

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