It is possible to introduce the LGBTQI+ community as a diverse community in the world.

Who exactly is this LGBTQI+ community?

Before that, it should be explained about the sexual orientation. This means that a person is physically, mentally and spiritually attracted to another person. Is it only beautiful that a girl is attracted to a boy? not,

Why a boy can be attracted to a boy and a girl can be attracted to a girl. That various societies have built on this. But we know that all those opinions are not optimistic opinions.

Let us now see who is meant by the LGBTIQ community.

Lesbian ~

A woman physically, mentally and spiritually attracted to another woman can be called a lesbian.

Gay ~

A man’s physical, mental and spiritual attraction to another man can be called gay.

Bisexual (women and men) ~

Being physically, mentally and spiritually attracted to both men and women is called bisexual.

Transgender ~

Transgender society is a duality of women and men. They can be called Transgender who do not conform to the sex they were born with and live under their mental condition.

A person who is born as a woman but mentally realizes that he is a man is defined as a trans man, and a person who is born as a man but internally mentally realizes that he is a woman is defined as a trans woman.

Intersex ~

People who cannot be classified as male or female on the basis of genitalia or have incomplete genitalia are known as Intersex.

Questioning ~

Sexual orientation or gender identity can be identified as a problematic community.

Identities that extend beyond the LGBTQI identity can also be identified. For example, Non binary, Asexual etc.

The common perception of some is that Samaritanness is a mental illness. But that is a misconception. On May 17, 1992, the World Health Organization confirmed that sexual orientation is not a mental illness and is caused by hormonal activity, genetics, or personal preference. Also in Sri Lanka, the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatry announced in 2020 that Samaritanness is not a mental illness.

Additionally, are you aware of the “Nachchi community” as part of the LGBTIQ community itself? A clarification should be made about that as well.

This is a word used in Sri Lankan society and it is a word that is derived from the Tamil language. It means “elegant”. This community dates back to Sri Lankan history. Because they are associated with Shanthikarma to represent different aspects. It is the historical evolution of the beginning of dance. Apart from this we can see the dances of elements like horse and kavadi in the procession. Despite presenting the features in a very public and mind-blowing manner, the response to them is not pretty. They will have to face many insults and hardships.

Sri Lanka is a country of Asian origin. Such a country does not have optimistic attitudes towards these communities. Let’s be aware of the LGBTIQ community and pave the way for a proud life by giving everyone the opportunity for physical, mental and social respect regardless of sexual orientation, race and religion.

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